Thursday, July 7, 2011

screw it

i accidentally did a crappy thing to a friend last night. Fuck it.  He'll go his way. I'll go mine. let the friend experiment come to a close.

It was never a good idea anyway.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This Amazing Thing

This amazing thing happened to me tonight:  I met this guy, a friend of a bosses's buddy from that time with the thing... and he was totally lovely and thought I was funny and enchanting and told me I should write.  Comedy. Yea. What?

This gent, this guy who has gone and lived, is the lover of an actor, is a hair older than my parents, is advising me to do some writing samples for an existing sitcom.

We're all standing around a barbeque pit and speaking extempore about ourselves and I'm playing the part of the funny interesting girl who smiles and talks a lot.  I find a rhythm.  The plays I make are quick and quippy, but I keep it complimentary and I keep myself open.  And somehow, for just a moment, I'm charming everyone.

Keeping that in mind I'm just going to riff for a while...

A:  (to his best friend who has just physically fallen down after totally underwhelming the woman he was chatting up) So you're having an off night, yea?

B:  The thing you have to know about me is, I'm charming.  Goofy is charming, awkward is charming.  I'm a charming guy.   I've got her exactly where I need her to be.

A: and where's that...? the buffet table between the Alaskan crab puffs and the guy who looks like the President of the Handsome Men Society?

B:  This is why I hated you when we were kids.

A:  You didn't hate me, I hated you, Skippy McFalldown.  Come on, I'll buy ya a beer.

Rough, right?  Needs editting.  " guy who looks like the President of the Handsome Men Society?" needs to be shorter. But, it was fun and it took me a few minutes to do.  I might could do this, for no other reason than to keep the synapses firing. who knows?